Enviromental and CTPAT
The Management of Martex Fiber International, representing the entire company, expresses this Environmental Policy, assuming the responsibility of ensuring compliance with it, both within the company and with regard to suppliers and customers.
We are therefore committed to developing our activity in a sustainable manner, using our resources in the most efficient way possible and taking the necessary measures to continue reducing our impact on the environment.
Ensure compliance with environmental legislation and regulations applicable to our facilities and operations, as well as compliance with other voluntary commitments assumed by the organization.
•All recyclable materials such as plastic, metals, cardboard, paper, oils, must be processed in compliance with current regulations and laws, whether in our production processes or with our strategic partner-clients.
Ecological activities will be promoted with the company's staff, promote the care and development of the environment.
Performance metrics will be established for the environmental program, which will be periodically monitored to ensure constant improvement in issues related to water and electricity consumption.
Due to internal regulations, Martex will not work with Conflict Materials established by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Dodd-Frank Act. In order to prevent these materials from financing armed conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries. Metals considered to be in conflict include tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold. We work with our supply chain to ensure responsible and sustainable practices, aligned with these ethical standards.
This environmental policy represents the framework for establishing the environmental objectives and goals to be achieved by the organization.
The management of Martex Fiber International assumes the responsibility of ensuring the dissemination and compliance of this policy, as well as reviewing and updating it whenever necessary.
Martex Fiber International is committed to protecting its supply chain by implementing a security management system that meets the standards of the C-TPAT program. This system ensures the prevention of illicit activities such as smuggling, terrorism, and theft.
This policy applies to all operations, employees, contractors, and commercial partners.
Safety Guidelines
Access Control: Through identification, monitoring, and physical controls, only authorized personnel will be allowed to enter facilities.
2. Container Safety: All containers and seals will be inspected for integrity prior to transportation.
3. Physical Security: Facilities protected with 24/7 surveillance, adequate lighting and intrusion detection systems.
4. Risk Management: Periodic assessments will identify threats in the supply chain, implementing mitigation plans.
5. Selection of Business Partners: Partners will be evaluated and monitored for ensure compliance with safety standards.
6. Training: All staff will receive training on risks, security procedures and reporting of suspicious activities.
7. Information Security: We will implement measures to protect systems computers and sensitive data against unauthorized access.
8. LOTO Inspections and Procedures: Rigorous inspections will be conducted of lockout/tagout equipment and procedures.
9. Transportation Security: The integrity of vehicles and routes will be verified to avoid manipulation during transit.
Commitment and Continuous Improvement
Management will conduct internal audits and periodic reviews to ensure compliance with C-TPAT standards, implementing improvements as necessary.
Final Declaration
Martex Fiber International reaffirms its commitment to safe trade, collaborating with business partners and authorities to protect the supply chain and promote global security.
Martex Fiber Internacional, S. de R.L. de C.V.: Km 2.5 Carretera a Puerto Cortes | Choloma, Cortes | Honduras, C.A. t: (504) 2565-2910; f: (504) 2565-2915